Sugarcane Estate Development and OutGrower's Management
➢ Land development: Including farm layouts, road network, irrigation and drainage system for green field sugar projects
➢ Farm infrastructures: Irrigation structures, drainage system, road network, ware house, work shop, farm machineries and equipments
➢ Budgeting, planning and phase wise execution: Crop production plan, seed nursery, planting, to cane supply to the factory
➢ Providing best management practices (BMPs) suitable for local condition as well as for mechanized cane cultivation
➢ Varietal screening – Identifying and introducing suitable high yielding and high sucrose varieties for commercial planting; Varietal evaluation
➢ Mechanization: Cost-effective need based solutions for agricultural equipment and farm machineries
➢ Irrigation: Complete package for drip, sprinkler, rain gun, flume/ gated pipes and hose reel irrigation system
➢ Soil management: Developing and executing suitable soil management program for acid, saline and problematic soils; Integrated Soil Nutrient Management; establishment of soil laboratory
➢ Seed nursery program: for healthy and disease free seed
➢ Integrated Pest Management: Detailed plan for establishment of a Sugarcane R&D department for production of bio inputs like bio fertilizers, bio control agents and organic manures
➢ Cane extension services: demonstration, farmers training and field trips
➢ Cane area survey using GPS enabled HHCs and Geo-tagging of plots
➢ Introduction of wetland planting methods for low lying and waterlogging areas.
➢ Inter cropping: Growing sugarcane with pulses, oilseeds and vegetables etc. to increase revenues
➢ Cane harvest and logistics – Implementing strategies for maturity wise harvest, green cane harvest, fresh and clean cane supply, cost saving haulage plans
➢ Developing agriculture service provider, block farm and corporate farm models for increasing the cane area and cane availability
IT Interventions in OutGrower and Estate Management(CMS)
➢With seasonal production activity, the sugar industry has very unique needs to enhance the business processes to achieve high rate of productivity. The Real time information on crop area, crop status, climate, soil, irrigation, etc., is the crucial requirement to build the premise business enhancement strategy. The CMS delivers each component required for scientific and efficient cane management for sugar industry. It includes data related to the grower, land, climate, processes at the factory and financials
➢We offer CMS as a comprehensive solution for sugarcane development and management. It will help Client to automate and provide real time information to all stake holders for effective Operations management. The following modules have been developed in Cane Management System
➢ Planter’s Management
➢ Estate Management
➢ Harvesting and Transport Management
➢ Weighment
➢ Cane accounting
Operational Benefits of CMS
➢ Management Decision Support System
➢ Real Time Monitoring of all the activities.
➢ Improved relationship with planters by having capability to address issues in real time
➢ Multiple loan management–Seed, Fertilizer, Pesticides etc with combination of Grower and Plots.
➢ Production Forecast
➢ It generates centralized database, wherein the entire Information is Integrated, the Data and Information is shared between different departments
➢ Gives Integral Picture of all the Operations, at any Level in the Operational Hierarchy
➢ Transparency and Controls
➢ Improved Planters satisfaction through On Time and accurate Information